Words/ \ƨbɿoW Normally we only look at words/ \sdrow as being symbolic in poetry,
And maybe this is one reason why we don't see the poetry in our own lives? Traditionally words represent specific ideas that can be thought about, or objects in our ®eality that can be experienced. For example, the word "tree" represents the thing we experience as granting shade on a steamy, humid day; but, the "Tree of Life" grants much more than a slight respite from the beaming rays of the noon day sun. When we look at words for only their representative value we lose their potential for symbolic value and thereby we are thrust into a simulated world that is never "real" because it is only a representation. The world becomes a cold meaningless experience without meaning as we get lost in the sdrow/·\words and lose sight of the ®eal objects and expe®iences → · in front of us.
November 2021
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