THERaVASA is a method for understanding your unconscious motivations. It has been constructed around psychological principles developed in Psycho-Contextual Analysis (PCA), which itself is an outgrowth of multiple therapeutic disciplines, specifically Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy and Lacanian Psychoanalysis. PCA determines the "root" cause, or psychogenesis of most if not all cognitive-behavioral deficiencies, which are not strictly biological in nature, are a function of psychological trauma. Broadly speaking psychological trauma is distinguished from physical trauma by its affect as experienced in the realm or Register of the Symbolic/Psychological, as opposed to the physical body's experience is that of the Reality Register or the "real world." Specifically, psychological trauma hinges on the perceptual apparatus of the physical/psychological being. The perceptual apparatus of an individual includes both physical organs, i.e. the visual, kinesthetic (feeling), olfactory, etc. systems of the body, as well as the primary psychological "organ" -- the psyche, e.g. Unconscious, Preconscious and Conscious, and Ego, Id and Superego. Perception is critical in distinguishing the affects of trauma on the psyche as to one individual the experience of "trauma" can be wildly different than to another. As making an accurate distinction between physical and psychological trauma so is it important to distinguish between a normal everyday problem and a problem that is generated from the psyche, i.e. a psychological problem. The primary factor that distinguishes a psychological problem is that of repetition whereas in an everyday problem, such as a flat tire from an unexpected road hazard there is no pattern or repeatability. Granted the "unexpected" quality could belie a deeper psychological pattern wherein the individual repeatedly experiences events in an unexpected way. The pattern of running into situations that are unprepared for is actually a counter-sign that there is something "Symbolic" about the individual's problem: their perpetual unpreparedness. This is all to say that an everyday problem can still be a psychological problem that has symbolic significance. This all remains to be seen until the individual or PC-analyst is able to determine via real-world cognitive-behavioral change that it is Symbolic or Real.
Words/ \ƨbɿoW Normally we only look at words/ \sdrow as being symbolic in poetry,
And maybe this is one reason why we don't see the poetry in our own lives? Traditionally words represent specific ideas that can be thought about, or objects in our ®eality that can be experienced. For example, the word "tree" represents the thing we experience as granting shade on a steamy, humid day; but, the "Tree of Life" grants much more than a slight respite from the beaming rays of the noon day sun. When we look at words for only their representative value we lose their potential for symbolic value and thereby we are thrust into a simulated world that is never "real" because it is only a representation. The world becomes a cold meaningless experience without meaning as we get lost in the sdrow/·\words and lose sight of the ®eal objects and expe®iences → · in front of us.
The end of an illness. The end of a day. Just as the biological components of any illness are not within our control so is the end of the day inevitable. However, with the end of each day there is the beginning of another and so with mental health. Mental health is by definition, and at many levels, an unstable and destabilizing experience, but as the day's of the week cycle through so do the symptoms of an individual's mental health. The end is never assured, unless the end has arrived and when it has arrived we move forward and into the beginnings of a new experience. The main problem of most mental health concerns is the repetition of the symptoms. The inevitability of the symptoms return or the painful realization that on some level the symptoms are always present. It may be beneficial then to not look for "the end" but to instead begin to look at the symptoms with a new perspective. The trouble is, how does one see a "new" perspective when the problem has been staring them directly in the face for months or even years. The videos on Register ®eality are meant to give the viewer the opportunity to begin seeing and hearing their mental health concern from a new perspective. There never can be a guarantee when dealing with an area, such as mental health, that can be so hard to understand and pin down, but there is a specific strategy being employed in the Register ®eality video series--and maybe it is a cycle, like the day to night, that once we understand it we can begin to work with it and maybe even work our way right out of it. The ability to intentionally shift your mind, as well as your emotional state, while potentially highly complex, can be isolated to one factor: your ability to focus on and then break that focus, as it is directed to any given object(s) or idea(s), when and if the process of "focusing" is understood to be a function of the Symbolic.
Thend (thi-nd) noun 1. Mind state of an individual focuses on a Constant Variably Determined Contradiction [CVDC] . When a CVDC is fully realized, that is brought to life, the thend translates into a controllable physiological "experience" indistinguishable from the state of mind IT, the unconscious mind, originally produced, ∞. When the CDVC is exclusively held within the mind IT affords the individual holding IT an experience, which may lead to empirical evidence that knowledge/mind (thought/philosophy) + experience/body (Empiricism), are not separate experiences or events. Thend proves the axiomatic statement that "mind and body are equal, yet also experientially distinct entities" --itself a paradoxical or contradictory statement. In Psycho-Contextual Analysis (PCA), when an individual is capable of maintaining a CDVC leads 1/one to the full realization of one's infinite/finite nature, ∞/. This state of mind is considered to be Thend. An individual currently engaged in the psychotherapeutic form of PCA is labeled the "analysand." The PCA coach, the "analyst." THE experience of Thend has a unique psychological quality: Generally, all previously repressed negative and positive experiences, with concurrent or associated symbolic forms, are systematically processed, but not lost or removed. Thend allows the analysand to symbolize the totality of experience in one emotionally "full and complete" utterance, the verbal form of thend, i.e. to thend. (🌊 ↓ for further elucidation, and examples) An example of a CDVC is the experience/idea of "black/white." Traditionally, these two opposing perceptions are understood as mutually exclusive, however, they are a major component for actualizing a Thend. When the analysand is capable of holding in their mind both black & white while utilizing the specialized "Sound/•\Image" Symbol "•" technique developed and utilized within Psycho-Contextual Analysis they can experience a Thend but have not yet necessarily personalized IT and thereby have the capacity to fully utilize IT in their daily lives. A CVDC requires at least one similar structural quality [In the case of black/white the binding quality is "light"], but CVDC's are not limited to a qualitative singularity. The similar quality acts as an experiential or cognitive point of connectivity which breathes life into the experience/knowledge acquisition the CVDC provides that would otherwise be considered simply as two dissimilar experiences, objects or ideas compacted into one statement, also known as a "dead" paradox. The CVDC is distinguished from a dead paradox, in that the CVDC does not require the thanatological process of narritivization, i.e. the creation of a story that belies or hides the logical fact of its internal incoherence, e.g. Zeno's paradox, The Paradox of the Heap, all of which contain multiple and extend inanimate/static linguistic utterances that when combined culminate in a fundamentally illogical conclusion. The dead paradox only has the appearance of biological viability or logical sense. When fully analyzed all traditionally considered paradoxes are simple conflations of dissimilar ideas connected by a quasi-related concept--the opposite of a CDVC or living paradox. Dead paradoxes are markedly determined as "wordplay," a base-level form of doublespeak, and conversely living paradoxes or CDVC's have an antimicrobial, antidotal, or inoculating effect for the conscious mind capable of realizing one--this inhibits the cognitive dissonance that is normally experienced by non-inoculated minds when hearing a paradox or experiencing a psychologically traumatic event. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending upon whether the individual ingesting a CDVC has had enough preparation [Individually determined/Indefinite number of Psycho-Contextual interventions or an equally extensive immersion in a psychologically validated video series--e.g. the only verified to date of this article being Register ®eality which, it self, is incomplete] there are at least two dead, thanatologico-paradoxical paths that can lead to a true CDVC experience, a.k.a. a thend. Dead Path One: When you lose this contradiction by accepting, as true, a locally determined event (a body) or a temporally detailed state (of mind) you (are) actually losing yourself by becoming lost in one or the other .:. You are, are you becoming lost . . This is how-would you, you do, forever : how else would-do you, ever? Path 2/to Death: You think you are consciously doing something only if Thinking is doing (Mind/\Body)—Thend. In PCA the term thend is considered to have two simu ltaneous grammatical forms, as noun and as verb. The context of the term's usage--be it to denote a specific and circumscribed action within the process of being analyzed its verbal form, and when denoting the vocal/verbalized process that culminates in a specific psychological state of mind is considered the term's nounal form. The verbal form is indicative of a unique verbalization between the analysand and analyst The action of thending indicates the full or potentiality for a fully completed, or circumscripted analysis. The nounal form of thend is the full "circumscription" of an analysis which occurs when the analysand’s root psychological disjunction is completely re-constituted, in vivo; and a unified psyche is achieved as all symptoms associated with the analysand's neurosis are dissolved i.e. the neurosis is cured. Thend, as noun, designates the specific state of mind associated with this complete circumscription and the verbal action, to thend, is the behavioral indication that a state of mind thend has occurred or is nearing. Thending can be, either, consciously or unconsciously experienced by the analysand—if unconscious, the analysis is not complete but nearing (Unfortunately, when unconscious this is most often experienced by the analysand as his/her analysis seeming to be indefinitely distant or perpetually forestalled). Regardless of the analysand's conscious experience of the thend, once a thend is consciously acknowledged the analysand must be capable of the purposeful and repeatable thending to another individual. As a qualifying event a thend consists of one and only one type of quantitative criteria, the complete psychological revocation, traditionally by a skilled practitioner of Psycho-Contextual Analysis, whereby the analysand is “Prescripted,” unconsciously as well as consciously. To be “prescripted” is to have a set of prescriptivist statements—which lead the analysand down a path—when wielded by a skilled practitioner, that has the psychologically disruptive capacity whereby a fissure is created in the psyche of the analysand. With the existence of this fissure the analyst may “impressionate” (please see urban dictionary ) the most elemental layer of the psyche. At the point the core psyche becomes completely bear to the analyst and at some point as well the analysand can tell the other who or what they can be until the analysand completes their analysis through proving the analyst correct, this thereby qualifies the fundamental principle that validates the phenomenal experience (a non-mental experience—is phenomenal) of the IDEA (not experience or IKEA) but the physical experience of the idea of pure contextual perception being phenomenal and mental—by his/her analyst psychological |
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